Design Thinking; it's all about Mindset!

21 Sept 2021

Be curious
Design Thinking fuels high levels of curiosity and creativity, curiosity fills the gap between known and unknown, makes a desire to deep dive, this kind of interest leads to the inquiry which helps in gathering more and more information, if a person is curious he/she finds exciting ways to learn or know more about anything.

Stay humble
There is no place for self-importance here,
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

Put people first
It’s about knowing the pain point of people, not what we can offer as a solution using the most efficient technology or devices, it’s the other way around, we should constantly ask ourselves how can we help our users to complete a task quicker, easier, and more enjoyable way with help of these technologies.

Reframe the problem
If people are not buying your ideas, it is not their problem but it is time to consider reframing the problem statement which will set the path to solution space, In this situation, no matter what you dedicate or do things efficiently to develop the new solution, the results will never be satisfied because we are addressing the wrong problem. So bringing clarity to what we are solving and elevating our problem statement is more important.

Please check this article to understand the in-depth methodology.

Refocus on where we are heading
In a way it is good to distract your focus from complex surroundings to overcome the clutter from your thoughts, it’s a good practice to take breaks to get some fresh air and sharpen your mind, grab a cup of coffee or do some physical activity to distract yourself from complexity, the unclear mind will impact negatively on the choices we make and will bring on primitive and grubby ideas to the table.

Don’t be afraid to trash ideas, refactor for new solutions
Once we understood what fear of failure is, why we have it and where it all started, our mind becomes flexible and will help to approach the refactoring and redesigning process,

it’s very important to reconsider and refactor the entire structure therefore changes can turn out to be good ideas and can create a better and simpler solution.

Fail fast and fail cheap
Fail often to succeed sooner, and also failure is an integral part of innovation, we need to broaden our minds to know when to quit, to build a culture of feedback to validate and iterate.

Be innovative
Innovation starts with empathy to grow and innovate, it’s more important to develop deep connections with the people we serve, whether driven by an individual or a team it can happen anywhere, it’s fuelled by a restless intellectual curiosity, deep optimism, and the ability to accept repeated failures as the value of ultimate success, so we need to allow our space to discover and iterate our design with multiple prototypes and keep ourselves away from our comfort zone to thinking from the distance.

Restless reinvention
Understand the perspective of your users, there is no solution that is perfect. When you use Enterprise Design Thinking, your bias is toward action. You will pursue perfection with the humility of knowing that in the fullness of time, nothing is actually perfect. That is: everything is a prototype and keeping the idea of the restless reinvention.

Design Thinking; it's all about Mindset!

21 Sept 2021

Be curious
Design Thinking fuels high levels of curiosity and creativity, curiosity fills the gap between known and unknown, makes a desire to deep dive, this kind of interest leads to the inquiry which helps in gathering more and more information, if a person is curious he/she finds exciting ways to learn or know more about anything.

Stay humble
There is no place for self-importance here,
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

Put people first
It’s about knowing the pain point of people, not what we can offer as a solution using the most efficient technology or devices, it’s the other way around, we should constantly ask ourselves how can we help our users to complete a task quicker, easier, and more enjoyable way with help of these technologies.

Reframe the problem
If people are not buying your ideas, it is not their problem but it is time to consider reframing the problem statement which will set the path to solution space, In this situation, no matter what you dedicate or do things efficiently to develop the new solution, the results will never be satisfied because we are addressing the wrong problem. So bringing clarity to what we are solving and elevating our problem statement is more important.

Please check this article to understand the in-depth methodology.

Refocus on where we are heading
In a way it is good to distract your focus from complex surroundings to overcome the clutter from your thoughts, it’s a good practice to take breaks to get some fresh air and sharpen your mind, grab a cup of coffee or do some physical activity to distract yourself from complexity, the unclear mind will impact negatively on the choices we make and will bring on primitive and grubby ideas to the table.

Don’t be afraid to trash ideas, refactor for new solutions
Once we understood what fear of failure is, why we have it and where it all started, our mind becomes flexible and will help to approach the refactoring and redesigning process,

it’s very important to reconsider and refactor the entire structure therefore changes can turn out to be good ideas and can create a better and simpler solution.

Fail fast and fail cheap
Fail often to succeed sooner, and also failure is an integral part of innovation, we need to broaden our minds to know when to quit, to build a culture of feedback to validate and iterate.

Be innovative
Innovation starts with empathy to grow and innovate, it’s more important to develop deep connections with the people we serve, whether driven by an individual or a team it can happen anywhere, it’s fuelled by a restless intellectual curiosity, deep optimism, and the ability to accept repeated failures as the value of ultimate success, so we need to allow our space to discover and iterate our design with multiple prototypes and keep ourselves away from our comfort zone to thinking from the distance.

Restless reinvention
Understand the perspective of your users, there is no solution that is perfect. When you use Enterprise Design Thinking, your bias is toward action. You will pursue perfection with the humility of knowing that in the fullness of time, nothing is actually perfect. That is: everything is a prototype and keeping the idea of the restless reinvention.